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Spectre Divide Bug Report

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Showing 40 of 40

Ryker Dart Scan Bug

If you throw your Ryker Dart out of bound and swap the Dart still scans and doesn´t go on cooldown so technically could throw a second one. can be replicated easily.
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in Gameplay 0 Recorded

Mouse in Fullscreen Offcenter

**Description** **Repro Steps:**
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in HUD / Menu 0 Recorded

Bindable keys opening chat

I'm left handed and use P L : " as movement keys.Forcing enter to chat is a big issue for me, and requires me to rebind enter to another key in keyboard software to avoid accidental presses. ] is my reload key. It currently opens a menu to whisper...
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in Settings / Keybind 0 Recorded

Zeus shows planted but did not plant

Had Zeus in my inventory, held 4 until it stopped the animation and the Zeus did not plant despite saying it was planted in the inventory. If you frame by frame, you can see I still have the plant prompt after the UI ...
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in Gameplay 0 Recorded

Main menu music

I have disabled music in settings, but it's still present in the main menu (the menu after joining the game). Loading settings after the initial loading screen would fix it.
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in HUD / Menu 0 Recorded

Setting Crosshair Outlines to OFF won't grey out the settings below

1. In Crosshair tab on *HIPFIRE // GENERAL* when the *Outlines* is set to *OFF* it doesn't gray out the setting Outline *Thickness *.2. And in SNIPER // GENERAL when the Center Dot Outline is set to OFF it doesn't gray out the setting like Sniper ...
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in Settings / Keybind 0 Recorded

Some abilities don't work with new Fire Weapon input

**Description**I tend to set my primary fire to SPACE & jump to LEFT CLICK. The issue is some abilities do not work with my fire weapon input, for example, when I throw the puck it's still bound to left click, so I'm jumping while throwing the...
Sam Mountaintop 4 months ago in Settings / Keybind 0 Recorded

Ryker Dart double scanning

Sometimes ryker dart just pings people multiple times, I've had it occur a couple times but only caught it on video once. It could be related to throwing dart on 1 body then swapping to another.
Sam Mountaintop 5 months ago in Gameplay 0 Recorded

Taking damage when falling before round start

**Description**i took 95 damge for no reason before round started **Repro Steps:** 1.i jumped in between my teamates specture and mine on there heads2.i got stuck there3.i moved my specter and my specter started flowting4.i swapped to it and fell ...
Sam Mountaintop 5 months ago in Gameplay 0 Recorded

Custom lobby doesn't allow backing out

I created a custom lobby to see if it worked before the matchmaking queue was enabled, and I am stuck at the lobby screen even after hitting 'escape' and confirming return to the main menu. I also tried the Leave Match button and was still stuck. ...
Sam Mountaintop 5 months ago in HUD / Menu 0 Recorded